Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Some things never change

It never fails.

Just when you think Disappointment has beat you down to never rise again,
You are at what seems to be your penultimate failure,
You are about to throw up your arms and say, "Joy is lost. I am beaten."

It is at that crucial moment that the Lord, who is abounding in mercy, will send his messengers of Joy to remind you of a few things: He is still there, Joy is still a possibility, and you're not as bad off as you train your mind to think you are.
Last night this happened to me. His messengers were my best friends, Teddy and Samuel.
Ted, Sam, and I have been through alot. There are things about each of us that annoy the other two, but there are far more things we just can't get enough of. We all alternate being the funniest person in the room and then being the best laugher in the room.
In the good old days, we would hang out every night. Ping-pong, Tennis, FIFA, Basketball, Golf, Football, Writing, Careers (the board game), Parkour, Spelunking, Entrepenuership, and Cinematography are just a few of the hobbies that we have shared.
I had begun to think those days had melted away with our childhood, but old habits die hard.
"We gonna hang out tonight?" Teddy asked.
"Absolutely," I replied.
"Sweet. Meet me at Sam's house. You bring the cigars."

We ate ice cream, smoked cigars, and laughed until we were all so exhausted that we absolutely had to stop.

Thanks guys; I needed that.
Let's do it again soon

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