Saturday, May 23, 2009


Hello, I'm glad you're here.
I don't know how you got here, but I do know how I got here:

Grade school story writer, high school newspaper "humor" columnist, and now, College Internet Blogger.

Wow, it's sad to see one's literary depreciation summed up in a series of three nouns; I guess we can't all get better over time.
It's not that blogging is trashy, it's just that grade school is a magical time for young writers (notice that I specify young grade school writers, as opposed to those who start their education later in life). It is ideal because when kids write stories about dragons and guns--or damsels and ponies--they don't believe they are making it up; it is absolutely real to them.
I miss that time in life. Unfortunately, now I'm grown up, educated, unmagical, etc. Now when I write a story about the gun-wielding dragon who rescues a damsel while riding a pony, I know it's not true. That could never happen in Kansas, because princesses live in England and dragons live in caves in the Netherlands--much too far away to make a sighting possible.

I got locked out of my first blog, Blogspot said something about it being absolutely too funny and they were getting so many hits because of it that they had entirely too much income and needed me to stop posting...or maybe I messed up my login information. Anyway, if you want to read this blog's prologue, there you go.
Enjoy, peace out.

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